Information Security
The more sophisticated and developed the technology becomes the more threatening it gets in wrong hands. The goal here is to raise awareness about these threats.
The more sophisticated and developed the technology becomes the more threatening it gets in wrong hands. The goal here is to raise awareness about these threats.
Nowadays we have X-developers (replace X with a tech) everywhere. Most people forgot what engineering means what exactly stands behind the word engineer. This post is to remind what it actually is and that we need more engineers than X-developers.
This is another write up of my recent talk where I share some information about the modern era of data collection and how you can keep your privacy at least partially.
I'm very paranoid when it comes to my data. For me, the only backup solution that I could possibly use, must be simple and must have client-side AES256 encryption with the passphrase that only I would know.
This is another write up of my recent talk where I share what tools and techniques I use to protect myself from being hacked.
This is a write up of my recent (if can call October 2018 recent) talk that I gave for my colleagues. It's about typical attack vectors used against web-apps and how to decrease the attack surface of the apps.